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naifa foundation

Building the Base of Financial Security


The NAIFA Foundation for Financial Security aims to grow the number of qualified and ethical insurance and financial advisors serving the U.S. public. By increasing the pool of practicing advisors, the Foundation will advance financial literacy and promote financial security among all Americans with an emphasis on traditionally underserved populations.

The need for professional financial assistance is great at a time when the ranks of qualified, ethical financial professionals are shrinking.

  • 66% of American adults cannot pass a basic financial literacy quiz.
  • More than 40% lack retirement accounts.
  • Fewer than 50% have emergency savings.
  • Fewer than 30% have financial plans in place.
  • Fewer than 20% use the continuing services of financial professionals.

Qualified and ethical financial professionals, available and working with consumers in diverse communities, can close these gaps.


The NAIFA Foundation for Financial Security


Read the NAIFA Foundation for Financial Security press release.

Diversity Scholarship

A program to promote and support the recruitment of diverse advisors to the industry.

Veterans Scholarship

Helping honorably discharged U.S. military veterans transitioning out of the armed forces prepare for careers in insurance and financial services. (Under development.)

Foundation Funding

Activities of the Foundation are funded by contributions from charitable grant-making organizations and insurance and financial services companies. Contact us for more information.